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Topic review - Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???
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  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
DDP - I believe that is only a joke... originally it started out as the Montana, which obviously was never built...
Post Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:47 pm
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
les, don't worry as we canadians almost took out 1 of the us carriers when the carrier's captain told our lighthouse to move out of it's way & we said no.
canadian lighthouse - 1 & us navy carrier - 0.
Post Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:08 pm
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
ARH wrote:
:Oops_1: :Oops_1: I gave jimmy a lot of credit, I forgot I posted this some time ago.

Post subject: Re: Calling all Brooklyn/Helena-Class CL fansPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:26

Hi Guys, I reserrected this thread to find out if anyone knew anything about it.
I am looking to build USS HELENA CL 50 in 1/96 scale , It depends on what drawings our friend BILL brings with him, it could be any one of the class, we will decide then ,

Yes Ron, we talked about this ship in that thread!!!
Hope that Bill bring the drawings, it will be very very interesting to see this model coming into life!!! When I saw BNS "Tamandaré" ( Ex-USS St Louis) for the first time in the 70's, I got a lot of emotions.....
Now we'll have the opportunity to see the model starting from the very ZERO, it will be great!
And Ron, if I can choose or vote for a ship, could you please select "Helena", for a lot of reasons? It is a historic ship with high meanning for the US, the design is wonderful, it has a female name..and so on!!!
Nice regards: Jimmy
Post Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:52 pm
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
ARH wrote:
"Jimmy Conway"


"Helena" is the word????

Nice regards: Jimmy

Jimmy, your to good, :thumbs_up_1: :thumbs_up_1: :heh: :heh:[/quote]

Hi Ron,
if I'm good, you are better!!! Wish you a very nice modeling with USS "Helena", and I think it will be some nice matter to work with.
How could I forget such important information you gave me some time ago?
:big_grin: :big_grin: :big_grin: :thumbs_up_1:
Post Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:45 pm
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
:Oops_1: :Oops_1: I gave jimmy a lot of credit, I forgot I posted this some time ago.

Post subject: Re: Calling all Brooklyn/Helena-Class CL fansPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:26

Hi Guys, I reserrected this thread to find out if anyone knew anything about it.
I am looking to build USS HELENA CL 50 in 1/96 scale , It depends on what drawings our friend BILL brings with him, it could be any one of the class, we will decide then ,
Post Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:11 am
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
Kenny said:

Congratulations Tim, you sank the entire Canadian Navy...

Our deepest sympathies to our friends the Canadians. Cadman mis-identified your flag for a Jolly Roger. It's our hope you won't hold grudges and will continue to use this board.
Post Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:59 am
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
Cadman wrote:
Dang it, you gave it away before I could vote. Of course I was right and already knew the Helena was a likely subject. You need to give us slow folks more time Ron.

While I have enjoyed the other builds, especially the USN ones, this one will be my favorite. It is after all my favorite ship. Let me know if your lacking anything Ron. I have some decent ref material on that ship. I assume it will be 1/96 as usual.

It was that Jimmy Conway far to clever, yes it will be 1/96 , gives a model size of 6ft -4 inches.

I have the profile for HELENA CL50.

Some very good photo,s of the ship, 27th june / july1 st 1942 A4 size , very sharp.

Also a large set of drawings of the Faired Lines and off sets of CL47 Boise.

also the shell plating drawing of CL42 & 47.
Post Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:55 pm
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
Congratulations Tim, you sank the entire Canadian Navy... :thumbs_up_1:
Post Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:45 am
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
Cadman wrote:
Watch it Les, last time you pirates acted up we dealt with you swiftly.

Careful now, don't make me smack you for going off topic.... :cool_2:
Post Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:59 am
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
Watch it Les, last time you pirates acted up we dealt with you swiftly.
Post Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:52 am
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
Cadman said:

Let me know if your lacking anything Ron.

Now there's a loaded question! :big_grin: :wave_1:
Post Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 8:48 am
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
Dang it, you gave it away before I could vote. Of course I was right and already knew the Helena was a likely subject. You need to give us slow folks more time Ron.

While I have enjoyed the other builds, especially the USN ones, this one will be my favorite. It is after all my favorite ship. Let me know if your lacking anything Ron. I have some decent ref material on that ship. I assume it will be 1/96 as usual.
Post Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:30 pm
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
This one USS HELENA CL50

CL01.jpg [ 58.18 KiB | Viewed 841 times ]
Post Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:33 pm
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
Which of the two???:lol_3: :lol_3: :yeah: :yeah:

0405005.jpg [ 56.94 KiB | Viewed 842 times ]

or CA-75???
0407503.jpg [ 108.78 KiB | Viewed 840 times ]

The first one is a synonym for galantry and the second is the ship that I saw and made me ship-crazy at a greek encyclopedia....

Fine choice... cant wait for it.... :woo_hoo: :woo_hoo: :woo_hoo:
Post Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:57 am
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
"Jimmy Conway"


"Helena" is the word????

Nice regards: Jimmy[/quote]

Jimmy, your to good, :thumbs_up_1: :thumbs_up_1: :heh: :heh:
Post Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:11 am
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
ARH wrote:
Oh , I have the drawings , photo,s , profile, anything else :heh: :heh: :woo_hoo: :woo_hoo:, but the CIC says I have to get rid of some of my models to make way for new ones. :Mad_6: :Mad_5:


"Helena" is the word????

Nice regards: Jimmy
Post Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:35 am
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
On second thought, I believe at one point I did see an FU looking craft on the USS Cleveland.... Curtiss SOC Seagull more than likely?

So my guess is, USS Cleveland Class.
Post Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:06 pm
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
Hmmmm... those look like Vought FUs, and while I'm aware they were designated for battleships before the Lex and Sara came out, I do not know of any being placed on cruisers. It wouldn't surprise me if it happened, but they were rather outdated at the time.

However, the Coast Guard was given a few under the designation Vought UOs, I know they used them to chase rum-runners during prohibition but I wonder if thats what this is?

Of course, I could be completely wrong about the aircraft...
Post Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:19 pm
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
USN CL/CA! Woot ^^
Post Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:20 pm
  Post subject:  Re: Poll: What's the Admiral's new project???  Reply with quote
A bit of a clue, :heh: :heh:

planes.jpg [ 33.12 KiB | Viewed 1337 times ]
Post Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:45 pm

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