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Topic review - 21st Century Battleship...
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  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote
@navydavesof: I'd love to see that pic you have as well. ;)

About those SSL's and the positions you wanted to put them at, John..........I took a Sea Sparrow Launcher from my TAMIYA Enterprise AC kit and set it in the spots you originally proposed, on my New Jersey BB. The SSL's are too big for that area and have a bad/limited firing arc. Even if somebody were to put some there, they'd have to build a new bigger blast shield behind the launcher. A much better place for Sea Sparrow launchers might be as shown in this pic when I built for fun a 1/700 IOWA battleship. The SSL's are on the aft former Tomahawk deck on either side of the aft 16" GFCR.

Post Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:39 pm
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote

I'd love to see the pic - having seen the Pontos set, I'm almost tempted to pick up another NJ kit and start over :big_grin:

Post Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:00 pm
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote
johndon wrote:
Hi Dave,

Mine came with no adhesive so, for the most part, they are superglued to the plastic decks...


Well, that sucks! I am sorry to hear it. I actually have a picture of what the NATO Sea Sparrow upgrade was supposed to look like, and it would be a shame to lose your project. It would be a wonderful addition to the gallery. the PM!
Post Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:56 am
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote
Hi Dave,

Mine came with no adhesive so, for the most part, they are superglued to the plastic decks...

Post Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:06 am
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote

I realize that burnout is burnout, but if I remember right, with my scale decks I got from the same people you did, isn't the adhesive water soluable? If so, you might want to put the decks in a tub of water and see if that helps to soften them up so they could just peel right off.

Anyway, good luck and great job on the train models! They are fantastic! I would love to see your hand at a sci-fi model!
Post Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:44 am
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote
EJM - sorry, forgot, you are correct, the Sea Sparrows would have gone where you said.

Post Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:17 am
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote

I got mine back out and put it on my dining room table before I left on deployment, and I will be getting back to work it as soon as I get off deployment. I already have all of my modifications finished in a shipbucket drawing ready to go. Hopefully our works will inspire john to get back to his!

Post Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:33 pm
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote
Sorry to hear you won't be finishing your New Jersey BB. :( Your work (and a few other modeler's works) has inspired me to do another What If New Jersey battleship concept for the forseeable future. In fact, I already bought a TAMIYA New Jersey kit this past Saturday and am already writing down ideas and plans for improvements. ;)
You didn't answer my question about the Sea Sparrows, but I am going on the assumption that if you had added them, I'm guessing they would've gone in the areas under the forward CIWS mounts where you don't currently have 5" guns in this pic below. If I'm wrong, then I apologise.

Post Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:46 pm
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote
EJM wrote:
Any new progress on your battleship? I've read this whole thread with lots of enthusiasm. I hope you'll finish your ship. Don't give up! ;) I read a few posts where you said you were planning on adding Sea Sparrow launchers. What area on the battleship were you originally thinking of placing them?

Thanks for asking, I've not looked at it for over 12 months now, it's currently languishing in a case along with my Trumpeter Hornet and one or 2 parts of my Tamiya Enterprise...

One of the things that is stopping me moving forwards is the deck, I'm really not happy with it, especially when compared to the Pontos offering but it would be a complete pain in the a** to try and remove it now...

I've not stopped modelling though and have returned, for the time being at least, to my first modelling love of railways, don't want to go too off topic but here are a couple of pics of what I'm up to now (British Rail in the 1980s in 1/76 scale):



Post Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:43 pm
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote
johndon wrote:
Hi Dave,

Good to hear from you.

No, to be honest I've not touched it in over 12 months now, got a bit disillusioned with it all.


Any new progress on your battleship? I've read this whole thread with lots of enthusiasm. I hope you'll finish your ship. Don't give up! ;) I read a few posts where you said you were planning on adding Sea Sparrow launchers. What area on the battleship were you originally thinking of placing them?
Post Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:35 am
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote
Hi Dave,

Good to hear from you.

No, to be honest I've not touched it in over 12 months now, got a bit disillusioned with it all.

Post Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:11 am
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote
Have you fabricated Sea Sparrow box launchers yet? They are actually pretty easy to fab. It just takes Styrene and to shape the fronts of them to look like the faces of the NSSM launchers.
Post Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 5:07 am
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote
Hey, Jon!

Is there any more progress on this project?
Post Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 4:40 am
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote
It's not necessarily upside-down, because this isn't a 1980s Iowa--it's a hypothetical New Jersey. The '63' on the top of the Missouri's Turret 1 is oriented this way, too: so that it's right side up when looking down at it from the top of Turret 2.

I actually like it better this way for this project--it helps set it apart from the Iowa... :thumbs_up_1:
Post Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:56 pm
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote
navydavesof wrote:

*pssst...the flag is on upside down*

Ah but remember, this is a refit :big_grin: :heh:

Post Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:12 am
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote
johndon wrote:
...the addition of the Stars & Stripes to the roof of turret 1:



*pssst...the flag is on upside down*

I bet you can get that decal off before it sets up too much :big_grin:
Post Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:07 am
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote
Looking great. The turret tops add some depth painted on the tops. The flag is perfect. Thats a big decal and says that where she is stationed. The USA has control of the air. keep up the great work
Post Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:16 pm
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote
Modelling time has been at somewhat of a premium this month but I've managed to get one very important job done this morning with the addition of the Stars & Stripes to the roof of turret 1:



Post Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:48 am
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote
Christian Bruer wrote:
mmmh, I missed to look at this before. Ecxelent modelmaking all around. A lot of nice details compared with a good paint job - looks really fine

Thanks Christian, much appreciated.

jeroen zuiderduin wrote:
Are not you afraid that you lose interest after so many years of building? Anyway, it looks very nice and the detail is beautiful… and it's nice that you do 'requests' :big_grin:

I've lost interest a few times but always come back to it, usually after completing a couple of armour subjects. It will definately be finished this year though as I've vowed to do at least some modelling every day that I'm at home, After that I'll probably move on the Tamiya 1/350th Enterprise which will probably end up taking even longer :big_grin:

Post Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:10 am
  Post subject:  Re: 21st Century Battleship...  Reply with quote
I've read this link a few times, and you've been working on this project from February 2007. Are not you afraid that you lose interest after so many years of building? Anyway, it looks very nice and the detail is beautiful… and it's nice that you do 'requests' :big_grin:

Post Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:01 am

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