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Topic review - To HMS Victory and beyond
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  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
Thank you Bruce and Marijn!

Slowly and carefully we went on, and then the time had come ...



... both sides of the deadeyes were integrated into the shrouds and tidied up. Final alignment of the deadeyes angle comes when I tighten the lanyards.

The angle is also almost right. I mean the mast, of course, the fighting top is hanging so crooked on purpose ;-)


I now also have a good system for tying in the deadeyes.

Materials, 1 set of upper deadeyes starboard and port, a cable 0.9 mm, lanyards with half of it 0.45 mm and the seizings with 0.15 mm.


First assign all shrouds to the lower deadeyes. Secure with an auxiliary thread.

It will then look like what you have already seen.



For the sake of clarity, we will now continue with a single shroud.


The deadeyes are easy to hold with pointed tweezers, the ends should ideally protrude at the back.


A cardboard template on the chain board helps to maintain the correct height. One hand holds the shroud in the correct line to the lower target deadeye, a micro portion of superglue is placed at 3 o'clock in the groove of the deadeye, and by placing the protruding tips of the tweezers on the top edge of the template, the deadeye is pressed against the shroud at the correct angle of rotation.


Then, if necessary, apply a micro portion of superglue at 9 o'clock and position the free end behind the shroud.


Then close the eye with 2 knots. A little space must be left between the deadeye and the knot, as in a later phase 3-4 more knots must be added to the eye and the thicker lanyard must also be passed through there. I don't glue the two knots at this stage because I can still correct the eye if necessary.


Then the lower seizing of the 3 ones of the free end is secured and aligned. Depending on the era and nation, the shroud and free end either run in mirror image or asymmetrically with the shroud directed towards the center of the deadeye and the free end running out tangentially and then tied on at the top.


And then the lanyard can already be integrated and provisionally fixed above.


Only when all the shrouds have been fitted in this way will the remaining turns on the eye and the 3 upper seizings be completed, see above.

The final step will be to bring the lanyard forward over the deadeye under the knpt and tie it on above.

It actually went quite quickly, was looking even enough and, above all, the potential for frustration was manageable.

Post Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2024 9:35 am
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
Beautiful! :thumbs_up_1: :thumbs_up_1: :thumbs_up_1:
Post Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2024 5:07 am
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
I have to tell you that your work is beyond words! I marvel at the level of detail you bring to the project and the historical reference you're providing.

Well done Sir!
Post Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 2:06 pm
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
Here you can clearly see the difference between the wooden dead eyes from the early stages of my model and the new printed ones at the top of the shroud.

With the wooden dead eyes, I had to close the unsymmetrical holes and re-drill them. It was a lot of work. In addition, the lower dead eyes have an incorrect all-round groove: As with the upper dead eyes, this is wide to accommodate the heavy shroud. For the lower dead eyes, however, the groove should be significantly narrower, i.e. only a slot, which only had to accommodate the thinner iron fitting.


The appearance is also more even.


In addition, the groove is not circumferential, but interrupted in the area of the connection to the iron or shroud. This also prevents the juffer from rotating. And even a careless model builder like me gets a subtle hint from the resulting bulge in the shroud if he is about to bind the dead eye the wrong way round ...


In the picture you can see the comparison of the lower dead eye on the left with the narrow groove and on the right the upper one with the wide groove.

Post Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 3:42 am
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
The next step was dead on onto the dead eyes :-)

Before I started, I lifted the fighting top and checked that all the shrouds were in the right order. And indeed, there were two pairs on the starboard side in the area of the landlubbers hole that were lying crosswise.



Then the shrouds below were assigned to their dead eyes. God bless the inventor of the hair clips!


There is almost nothing better for pre-tightening some rigging than wooden clothespins in combination with gravity.


Then came a rough binding on both ship´s sides to get an even pull on both directions. As I had reinforced the mast well with a wooden rod at the time, there was no movement in any direction. It still looks wild, but it does the job.



To stabilize the rigging further further, I inserted the buttock stave. This stave is served over its entire length, in the original its a rope slightly thinner than the shroud, for the modeI I chose a core of 0.5 mm brass wire for stability reasons.

The official calculation is slightly different, but by analogy the following measure gives the same figures: Distance upper edge of cross tree to lower edge of mast cap ...


... is the same as the upper edge of the cross tree to the buttock stave.


Once the buttock stave was in place the "white glue serving" was also brought to the correct length.


Afterwards, I will continue the serving evenly below the sausage by a few millimetres and also use black paint to ensure a uniform appearance. At the moment only the outer shrouds are attached so that the other shrouds still have place to work. Nevertheless, this already stiffens the whole construction a lot.

This also allowed me to start tidying up the dead eyes. Four seizings for the dead eye in the shroud, and crossing of the lanyard on the back of the dead eye and tied to the side after a few windings.



And then it's on to the happy dead eye tying :-)

Post Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 9:33 am
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
Thank you very much Jim, Yuth and Marijn, appreciated very much!

Means a lot to me.

All the best, DAniel
Post Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 6:08 am
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
Fantastic work as usual Daniel! :thumbs_up_1: :thumbs_up_1: :thumbs_up_1:

Very educational and inspiring!
The colour of the shrouds looks just perfect to me.

I also really like how you built some deck sections but left others out to show the interior. It is not so easy to design this well, and I think you did a fantastic job! Very well thought out!
Post Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 2:21 am
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
I've just reread all these pages with pleasure and now I need a corneal transplant! :big_grin:

Sublime work!
Post Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 11:02 pm
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
wow !!!

your recent works are exceptional !! :thumbs_up_1: :thumbs_up_1: :thumbs_up_1: :thumbs_up_1:

awe inspiring !! and inspiring !!!

Best wishes

Jim Baumann :thumbs_up_1:

boarding spokes eh!! :thumbs_up_1: :wave_1:
Post Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 3:43 pm
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
Then came a new adventure, the shrouds.

Somehow, all the interesting things I wanted to try always came to the point where the shrouds would have been installed. So I couldn't avoid it any longer, so I set off on a new adventure.

I ordered the cables for the shrouds and stays from They had the complete range in tenths of a millimeter increments, and the standing rigging is a deep brown and not the usual bluish deep black.

The brown allowed me to achieve the color I wanted. First I made the ropes a whole lot darker with heavily diluted black artist's ink. What a mess that was. The lawn in the garden still looks sunburnt, but the new appearance is now a deep deep brown compared to the original. ...


To dress the eyes around the masthead and the first shroud, I went back to the glue fake method that I had already used for the bopstays. To do this, I measured the area to be dressed and always made a marker knot at the borders with a makeshift yarn as a glue border.


Then I applied the fake dressing. This involved the eyes below the crosstrees on a length corresponding to the masthead´s height and the foremost shroud along the entire length.


The procedure was always the same: apply a generous layer of white glue with a small wooden stick then spread the glue well with your fingers using the three-finger method and smooth with spit, allow to dry, then repeat and finally seal with black paint. The shrouds were now ready for further assembly.

Next, I determined the circumference of the masthead ...


... and made a template. A 10 mm round stick was wrapped with paper until the required 11 mm of the test loop was obtained.

The loop of the shroud was fixed with a pair of clamping tweezers ...


... tied with 10 knots - 5 at the top and 5 at the bottom ...


... and the package neatly secured with a seizing.


The two pendants were given their thimbles.



As there is an odd number of shrouds, the rearmost one was joined to the opposite side in a horseshoe splice.

And then there was the first trial assembly. Pendant starboard, pendant port, first pair of shrouds sb, first pair of shrouds bb and so on. This allowed me to check whether the aft shrouds would fit under the aft cross tree - they didn't at first.


So I raised the pairs of shrouds again and successively turned all the pairs further forward. And then it did fit.



When the stays came to lie on top, everything was tightened up even more and now keeps the rear cross tree well clear.




PS: Here you can see again how model builder's impatience would take revenge if you had already glued the mast cap or even the fighting top ...
Post Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 4:30 am
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
And then I noticed that the boarding spikes were still missing. There are two rings to be doubled on my etched parts set, so I stapled the through-holes together using 3 suitable wires.




And even this corner improved as a result.

Post Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 5:48 am
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
After objection to the visible separation of the bitts at deck level, what I do best was done, demolition ...


... on the right the old two-part bitts and on the left the new one-part bitt :-)

The next step was the planking of the deck. To do this, I built a first template ...


... only to realize that this shape impairs the view too much and shadows everything below.

So V2 with the first few meters of the gangway.


After that, I first had to extend the substructure.


The first impressions of the deck during planking are always a bit gruesome ...


... but after sanding it fits.



As always, I put some cotton pads in to clean up the edge of the waist.


And being very high-spirited, I decided to use another original kit part. But the holes for the eyebolts were too big, so they were sealed with 1 mm Evergreen round material and re-drilled with 0.5 mm.


A few more etched ring bolts from my set resulted in a nice new corner on the ship.


Post Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2024 2:45 am
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
Main mast area, summer 2024:

Some new deck pillars have found their way onto the ship, increasing the number of original kit parts used immensely but because of this, some of the incorrectly placed ones had to make way for others.


Some coamings were also newly created ...


... and then the internal structures around the main mast were added.






Post Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 3:51 am
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
Mum, he did it again!


Post Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 3:50 am
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
Thank you Bill!

Post Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:19 am
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
superb work !
Post Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 8:30 am
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
Looking Great, dafi!
Also: wonderful work with the stoves/kitchen, i love the burnt metal finish you chose. And great figures' surgery, the poses you achieved are very natural. Excellent, as usual. :cool_1:
Post Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2024 9:05 am
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
Happiness is a warm gun ...

... nooooo ...

Happiness is once again being able to stick your nose in the wind ...


... with space above it ...


...and space below.


Just let your gaze wander to the horizon.


It's funny how everything suddenly looks so small.


And let the little blue spot - aka Sweetheart - drop a little kiss from above.


Or wave to the boys in the jib net ...


... or take a leisurely stroll at the front of the jib boom and enjoy the wind, sun and waves at over 8 knots.


And look forward to the evening, as for the 3 head sails


... that I was allowed to bring in and stow every evening while still underway, so that everything looked safe and smart in the harbour.


And this is the old Lady, the Hendrika Bartelds ...


... just to be happy :)


Post Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2024 6:04 am
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
Thank you Ryan!

Post Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2024 5:54 am
  Post subject:  Re: To HMS Victory and beyond  Reply with quote
Incredible work as always! the meat even looks nicely marbled with some good fat to crisp up and add flavor.
Post Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:07 am

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