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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:48 am 
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Here's what I've done in the last few days:

More fittings and parts added to the already very crowded aft deck. The tall columns are stove chimneys (presumably for heating - the galley chimney is larger), the even taller object forward of the gun platform is a lamp. Another lamp will need to be added to the ensign staff (made from brass wire)
Rails have also been added to the aft 6-pounder gun platform. I made these - along with those for the bridge platform - out of Evergreen styrene, after several unsuccessful attempts with brass and copper wire. Unlike the main deck railings, they are solid metal rails rather than stanchions + chains, so I couldn't use the excellent Dean's Marine PE stanchions (see below).


The lifeboat davits are also formed from brass wire, with copper eyebolts, and styrene deck fittings. Two boats were carried - a dinghy and a cutter - along with two Berthon collapsible boats - the latter will be scratchbuilt, the non-collapsible boats will be adapted from spare kit parts.

More additions amidships including the Downton pump, compass platform rails, and whistle + steam pipe on the forward funnel. The rectangular objects on the deck are rests for mooring fenders and collapsible boats.

As previously mentioned, I gave up trying to make the bridge rails from metal wire (the stanchions were OK, but trying to get the copper wire rails to stay in place was very tricky) and used styrene instead, which is much easier to glue and has more structural strength when glued. I did manage to make the searchlight platform rails from metal, however.
As you might have noticed, the bridge chart table met with an accident whilst installing the railing stanchions, it will be glued back in place later once the rails have been painted!

Next, the railings:

These are Dean's Marine 1/96 photo-etched brass railing stanchions. At about £7-8 per fret these are pretty good value, certainly compared to individual turned brass stanchions. They're etched from fairly thick brass sheet, which makes them easy to work with and not too flat-looking on the finished model.

I'm leaving the main deck railings until all of the other deck fittings are complete, in place, and painted; however I wanted to try out these stanchions to see what they looked like on the model, so I decided to add the rails to the turtleback first.

The actual rails are made from very fine brass wire. These are meant to be solid metal rails, I may use finer tinned copper wire to represent the chain railings on the main deck.

More photos in a few days hopefully - I've now started work on painting the new additions (along with the mast and torpedo tubes, unpainted in the above photos) and am also working on the ship's boats.

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 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:40 am 
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J. Soca wrote:
Great job as always EP :thumbs_up_1:

Did i mention this before :big_grin: :big_grin: :thumbs_up_1: :thumbs_up_1:

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:06 pm 
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Absolutely great!

Uli "Torpedo" Setzermann - Das Kaiserliche Marineforum

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:08 pm 
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That is extraordinary work, EP.


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:37 pm 
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Wonderful , as always ! :thumbs_up_1:

Regards ,


Scared of Nothing , Always Thirsty

Just call me the "Cereals Box Killer" , I guess :big_grin:

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 4:06 am 
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Amazing!!! :thumbs_up_1: :thumbs_up_1:

Nichol Caballero
Civil Engineer and Ship Enthusiast

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:03 am 
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Good progress! :thumbs_up_1:

Looking at the stern, there are so many cowl vents around torpedo tubes... how could they rotate the tube and fire torpedos? Where those cowl vents maybe removable?

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:17 pm 
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Schnellboot wrote:
Looking at the stern, there are so many cowl vents around torpedo tubes... how could they rotate the tube and fire torpedos? Where those cowl vents maybe removable?

I was thinking the same thing - I really don't know the answer (I don't seem to remember there being an explanation in the Chathams book, but I'll re-read it all the same), but I'm guessing that the vents and chimneys must have been removable, telescopic or foldable. The aft torpedo tube can just about rotate far enough to fire diagonally aft over the stern, but the rotation of the forward tube is completely blocked in one direction by the galley chimney.

I'm also unsure how the torpedo tubes were rotated, aimed and fired - the plans for Velox do not have any sort of visible mechanism for this, I don't know if this is just due to the plans being simplified (although the rest of the ship is represented in full detail). The profile drawings of HMS Havock, included with the Chathams book, show a geared hand-crank mechanism on the twin torpedo tubes, also a storage locker of some kind - for firing charges? - on the side of the tube at the breech end.

Here's a close-up of the tubes on my model (they are now painted):

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 2:56 am 
Nice work EP! You are closing in on it nicely!

Mr. Wizard.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:20 am 
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German Torpedo-Tubes were on a ring and locked with a handle in a gear. The pulled handle would release the tube and it could be swung by hand and then fixed by letting the handle flip back.

Good seen here and on other pics in this album on ... e-XI/p45_c

Good descriptions and some Details are found in:

Harald Fock: Schwarze Gesellen (till 1914) ... 10&x=0&y=0

Harald Fock: Z-vor! Bd. 1 (1914-1940) ... 10&x=0&y=0

Hans Mehl: Torpedoboote und Zerstörer ... 10&x=0&y=0

These books are in german, but bear a lot of technical drawings of boats and weapons of all countries, espeacially england, usa and germany

Uli "Torpedo" Setzermann - Das Kaiserliche Marineforum

Currently Building: SM TrpBt B-110, SM TrpBt S-37
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:06 pm 
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Here are the 2 ship's boats - a dinghy and a cutter. They're made using hulls from the spares box (from Heller sailing ship kits) with scratchbuilt thwarts, rudders and eyebolts.
I have decided to leave the collapsible boats for now, as they're far more complex and less "flat" in appearance than I initially thought from looking at the plans, I'm not sure how to go about scratchbuilding them - I may try scratchbuilding a master some time in the future and casting copies (as I plan to build more TBDs in this scale eventually)
Another detail I haven't added (yet) is the storage racks amidships, and the ready ammo racks for the 6-pounder guns; the plans don't show these features very clearly (particularly the ammo racks) and I don't have any photos.

Main deck railings have now been added, they are "rigged" with fine tinned copper wire. You can also see from this photo that I've started weathering the model (mostly acrylic craft paint to represent soot + salt stains/hull streaking, plus a small amount of oil wash to represent rust)

Since taking these photos I've added the rigging, attached the boats to the davits, and added an ensign flag to the mast, along with a couple of other details. HMTBD Velox is now virtually complete - I'll post another update once I've taken some photos. I'll also paint a few crew figures to put on the model, these will be modified Preiser 1/87 railway crew (one of them can be seen in the above photo)

To "Torpedo" - thanks for the book links, and the info on German torpedo tubes. Does this bookseller ship to the UK, if so are their postage costs reasonable?

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:55 am 
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It's not one bookseller, but a platform for second hand books. So there are several "booksellers". Normally, they should deliver also to other EU-countries, but i can recommend a local bookseller, who will try to get those books for you and sent them. It is: a guy called Jens Gnewuch. I assume he speaks english fluently, so give him a call or sent him an eMail.

But with the titles you can also try to get those books on ebay or amazon...if any help is needed, I do my very best!

By the way it looks good seeing you progressing! In a quiet moment you should explain me the weathering techniques, as I didn't understand them yet.

Uli "Torpedo" Setzermann - Das Kaiserliche Marineforum

Currently Building: SM TrpBt B-110, SM TrpBt S-37
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:58 pm 
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I apologise for the complete lack of any photos of the finished model, nearly 2 months after completion :roll_eyes: - I should have some photos within a week or two, though I need to finish painting the crew figures first...

I'll also try and write up an update post for my Peder Skram build (already have some photos) this has progressed a lot since I last posted it here, though not in the last month - if you saw it at the Milton Keynes show in February, that's the state it's currently in.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:03 am 
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2-3 months late, I've finally got round to taking some photos of the finished article. Here they are!

Overall views:


"Turtleback" with anchors, chains and capstan:

Bridge, 12-pounder gun and searchlight platform:


Amidships with funnels, boiler intakes, compass platform, chart table etc.:

Ship's boats and amidships 6-pounder guns:

Torpedo tubes:

Aft 6-pounder gun platform:

Aft steering position:

The crew figures are modified Preiser 1/87 railway crew, other than the one standing by the torpedo tubes who is from the Revell Kearsarge kit. I'm not sure of the exact colours of 1900s Royal Navy uniform so their uniforms are fairly "generic". Another detail I added before taking these photos was the two lifebelts on the bridge railings; whilst these aren't shown on the plans, they are seen on almost all contemporary photos of TBDs.
The model is weathered fairly lightly with acrylic craft paint, oil washes and a dark silver pencil to represent paint chips. Rigging is very fine tinned copper wire (not quite as easy to work with as thread or stretched sprue, but is much less fragile/vulnerable, the ensign on the main mast was scanned and scaled up from a kit-supplied flag sheet and glued on to a halyard made from thread.

I am taking a short break from scratchbuilding at the minute, other than R/C models (I'll post some photos of the steam tug - about 95% done now - when it's completed) but when I resume work on HMS Abdiel and Peder Skram I will try to keep the build threads up-to-date with photos.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 3:36 pm 
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very very well done sir....that would a interesting subject in 1/48th scale... :thumbs_up_1:


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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:06 pm 
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Great scratchbuild. Well done.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:36 pm 
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joe i was thinking the smae thing! btw great job!! looks FANTASTIC!!!

Reid, PIO of the 48th Fleet

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:12 am 
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I appreciate! Good work. Hope my own would progress more...

Uli "Torpedo" Setzermann - Das Kaiserliche Marineforum

Currently Building: SM TrpBt B-110, SM TrpBt S-37
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 Post subject: Vosper RTTL Project
PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:08 am 

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I am wanting to make contact with Edward Pinniger regarding a model boat I am working on. Edward are you there? Or can anyone else help?

Thank you, Ian Downunder.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:15 pm 
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I have fwd your request to the e-mail addresses for Edward Pininnger that I have

hopefully you will have a response

:welcome: to

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