Before any assembly I paint the deck (whether it's wood or metal). Pre-shade with dark gray around barbettes, smaller gun positions, and where structures will go. For wood I use Tamiya buff, or wood deck tan (whichever I have on hand) and lighten it with matte white. Thin it well so you can use low pressure and get in real close and gently feather in to the pre-shading. If neccessary, mask off larger steel deck areas - smaller molded-on detail such as hatches, scuttles, ammo lockers, etc. I hand paint later. Seal acrylics with Future. In between these steps you can paint the hull. I then use a black, or dark brown, oil wash to run into the plank grooves, and outline the raised bits. Before completely dry, brush off excess oil paint, leaving it in crevises and corners. I also use various colored pencils (brown, tans, etc) to lightly color random individual planks. Then a white colored pencil to outline planks (if you want to be anal
) as well as for highlighting details. Glue the deck into the hull and you will have a nice sharp line between them. Spray with the dull coat of your choice to protect it and...voila! Painting steps and masking will vary slightly with resin kits from plastic kits, as the resin ones usually have a lot more detail and structures molded on.