I spent some time catching up on the whole thread, but I have a few things to share that I think might be pertinent for some of the questions/issues that I noticed did not seem resolved.
1 - the Launch from Frunze's Bow:
A - Too far forward for SA-N-9.
B - Hot vs Cold Launch - SA-N-9 is cold launched, with a nose-mounted rocket that kicks it down towards horizontal before the main motor kicks in. What you're seeing are, possibly, the Tin Man rocket launchers which are right in that area and hot launch.
C - I'm not sure there's a whole hell of a lot of detail to be Had on the SA-N-9 launcher, looking at the ones in the video I posted below. Not as much as the S-300F launchers on, say, Slava Class.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuH3VL-IP4g -- starting at 9:00 it goes through weapon systems 9:49 is a SA-N-9 launch, notice no burner until it's on trajectory.
2 - the varying deck colours: I think it was Neptune and I had a discussion about this some time back, and the black deck is actually a fresh coat of the Russian Anti-skid coating. It starts out that dark, and especially on the North Fleet it is a sticky, tarry type substance with grit as well as a sticky nature, so it does not freeze in the cold and flake off. The Orange is the typical deck paint. I'm not entirely sure about the Green, might be a different anti-skid or a paint for some use with the helicopters in low light. You don't tend to see that green anywhere outside of aircraft zones though. There are pictures of the Kievs with the whole aircraft area painted in that green, but anywhere else was standard deck orange. The brown colour observed on Moskva is likely, as theorized, weathering of the surface.
3 - something else I noticed about the picture of PTG's Bow - there's a new dome on the center of the forward radar farm, a white dome. That's new, as it looks to be in the spot where the Forward Cross Swords radar should be if it were mounted. Not sure what that's all about.
4 - Rritchie71's comparison pictues - these seem to be of Nakhimov/Kalinin, owing to the fact it's got Kashtan on the side of the rear superstructure. In the first picture, that's not Top Steer on top of her aft mast, that looks more like Plate Steer, where it's one array and a dish, which might suggest why it was removed, as Plate Steer wasn't used on many ships before Top Plate came into service (good example, look at the Sovremenny Class, they served with Top Steer, Plate Steer AND Top Plate units on different hulls). Top Dome has been removed, which is interesting, could be a lead-in to Tombstone installation. Something missed, was the fact that Kite Screech is also missing from its usual place just abaft of the Top Dome position. If you really look, even her Forward Top Dome has been removed from its place on top of the bridge.
Just a few things I thought I could share input on.
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