Some progress. I noticed that the flight deck on Korean was Colossus class carriers was much lighter than the other decks and that these flight decks were incredibly dirty. There is some nice color footage on youtube that can illustrate what I mean. I think they started out from the dockyards in the color scheme Mike gives us and they quickly bleached out. Note that the deck markings were carefully maintained, unlike the rest of the flight deck. So as a start I have painted the flight deck in tamiya XF-53.
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The hull is has now been spray painted in gloss varnish so the decals can be put on. I will be painting, decalling and weathering the flight deck before I add any sponsons or any other detail to the hull. This will keep the carpet monster away as long as possible. I have also picked out the windows on the island by drybrushing. Will need some tweaking later but it is getting there.
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And now the fun part for the day. The youtube videos of HMS Glory mentioned earlier show some really nice footage of small streamlined deck tractors re-spotting airplanes. While I will not be doing that specific scene the deck does need some tractors. Some internet research came up with 'Clarkat B's with broadened wheel bases'. L'Arsenal gives you some tractors which are the right size (2.5mm in length) but not streamlined at all. So I decided to scratchbuild a few. I first sanded a strip of evergreen 8610 into a half-oval shape.
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Using a small file I opened the 'driver seat'.
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The tractor was removed from the strip using a micro saw.
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And back wheels were added using.5mm brass. The front wheels are hidden under the front of the tractor.
So these are my prototypes. I think the right one came out best. I will be doing more of these.
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