next up: upper and lower hull, waterline plate, main deck and quarterdeck, decals and PE
for the mid-level modelers like myself, the detail is crisp, little to no flash and great attention to detail. I have to say that Warspite is my favourite WW2 ship so I am a bit picky about things that I don't like:
upper/lower hull fit is an issue. this seems to be the case with most Trumpeter 1/700 kits. the upper hull is just a bit wider so that seen head on there's a noticeable overhang. I'm sure with patience and a minimum of swearing this won't be an issue... if it wasn't for the fact that the upper hull is also just the smallest bit warped. it doesn't lay flat and I'll be carefully trying a few solutions on here to remedy that. the deck plates are nice and crisp right down to the decking. I'm going to try and be patient and wait for a company to come out with actual wood decking, but I've had fun painting decking before so stay tuned. as for the PE: I'm scared. I'm not sure how to paint PE or how to fix it to my model so I will be doing some research on here in the coming weeks. it's a great extra to have in the kit though!
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