Hello: Although this kit has been around for a while, I felt a current review was in order . This ship , the first of its type , was built by yours truly in 1980 and it was state of the art and NOT for the faint at heart then . Well , the new RE-RELEASE is somewhat in that category . Where originally it was molded in a very nice solid white(you could avoid paint on the hull and upperworks if you wished , you must paint it now . (it,s now molded in a delicate shade of light blue grey ) This is still the GO-TO ship of the type. I would put it up against the REVELL - CALYPSO (old kit) and the OCEANOGRAPHIC vessel(New incarnation)If you are patient and work carefully you don,t need p.e. for rails .They do give you nice inclined ladders , but no rails for them. Take the rails and thin them by scraping with the edge of an X-ACTO and you can get them scale thin.The rails will take the handling , just be careful. Unlike the original the instructions are fuzzier as to paint colors (they specify their line.) I do NOT know what other brand would work as I don,t have anything with the HELLER paint numbers.The parts are still molded delicately but accurately. There is more flash than original and like the original there are ejector pin marks where you don,t want them.The marks are light and easily removed . Just make sure to check each part , all sides under a bright light light . Some are very small , but , they will interfere with building her . Like their "SMIT ROTTERDAM and the sister it is the quintessential version of the vessel type in 1/200 . Inclined laddere CAN be used or you can get a GENERIC set of ladders and rails from many of the suppliers of P.E. . Check their sites first, as some have deleted 1/192 and 1/200 from their inventory .When done you will have an absolutely beautiful rendition of the searcher of the "TITANIC" and her neat looks. You will need p.e. for the step parts on the aft crane and elswhere . A good build IF you are not a beginner . The hull has only two locator pins and the stern panel is to be mounted AFTER the hull is glued together , NOT at the same time as the instructions indicate. There are no words in the instructions only exploded drawings .The decals ,as per my experience with HELLER are very good . So do you want the "TITANIC " searcher that,s most well known ? Then , go swiftly and get yours , it,s well worth it ! .