Hi Martin,
I would think that this could possibly one of the drawing teams earlier renditions of a Japanese merchant vessel, done before they got into drawing accurately detailed vessels? My logic for this is that the drawing has inconsistencies with vessels around the period of ww2 and appears to have elements of contrasting old and new styles of builds:
The 'vessel' looks to be of class MKFM (from front to back - Mast, Kingpost, Funnel, Mast)
The masts have the inverted cross-trees, typical of Kawasaki and Asano built ships of 1918-1925 period
Large composite superstucture (in comparison with overall vessel) presumes passenger carrying as well as cargo
Extremely short foc'sle typical of vessels built late 1800's
There is only one hatch in front of the bridge, but booms and capstans for two
There is a hatch up between the bridge and the funnel which would impede/separate the accommodation
Short funnel denotes, as already mentioned, a motor ship rather than a steamship.
A similar vessel that I have found, not an exhaustive search, is the steamship Akibasan Maru 1924/4,607grt. Although a steamship, it has the same type of masts and a set of kingposts abaft the funnel. However it does not have the additional superstructure decks. I have posted a view of this vessel, scanned from ONI 208-J (Revised) page 256
The drawn vessel also has a similarity (in the superstructure side openings style), with Buenos Aires Maru 1929 (ONI 208-J page 15)
I'm sure that other, more knowledgeable, enthusiasts will join in and contribute to help with your query but these are my thoughts for now