On the 12th March 1941,while escorting convoy HX112 ,HMS Vanoc spotted a U-boat on the surface ,close to the convoy,which she promptly attacked with Depth-charges,after the sub had submerged.A little later ,Vanoc`s radar detected a echo a short distance away,Vanoc steered towards the echo,and it proved to be the same u-boat going at top speed on the surface.Vanoc was in an ideal position to ram ,which she did,and sank the U-boat.Vanoc rescued six survivors,and found out that the sub she had sunk was U100,the command of Schepke ,the second highest scoring U-boat commander in the DKM.
For my diorama I used a Skytrex white-metal kit of a VW destroyer,and the Hobbyboss kit of a Type VII U-boat,both to 350th scale.The U-Boat was heavily weathered with MiG rust powders.I used the Man o` War book on VW destroyers for reference on the Vanoc.The build took two weeks.
Cheers Phil