I'll take a stab
I'm sure Sean Hert could give you a more definitive reply.
First, the Trump. kits:
Z-25 and Z-30 are Type 36A, Z-43 is Type 36B (Mob).
Z-25 and Z-30 have rounded bridge wings ( correct ), Z-43 also has rounded wings - incorrect, should be angular.
Z-25 and Z-30 have the correct flat funnel caps, Z-43 should probably have rounded caps like the Dragon kits - it does not.
Z-30 has a hull spray strake - this needs to be removed ( the hull is the Z-25 part.)
Z-25 and Z-43 are overall light gray.
Z-30 has a reasonably correct box painting of the starboard camo - it's a copy of a published photo; the profiles however have the starboard camo incorrect ( 2 reference photos) , and the port camo has no reference that I'm aware of - 1 photo I have shows a painted over port camo visible at the bow which does not resemble the profile - and unfortunately does not conform to the (often) practice of symmetrically painted sides.
( I'm building the Z-30 now - I'm painting ( punting ) the port side camo symmetrically which will cause the immediate release of a conflicting photo reference
The Z-30 and Z-43 kits do have a second p.e. sheet of generic 3 bar railings.
The Trump. kits have significant variations in the weapons fit and in the superstructure, which at a cursory glance appear correct.
The Dragon kits: all Type 36A (Mob) - and are vastly superior detail wise to the Trump. kits, and appear correct in most every regard.
Z-31 has a simple 2-color symmetrical camo, Z-38 and Z-39 are overall gray. ( Z-39 was camo'd earlier in its life but this would require some weapons changes. )
Z-37 is I believe so close to Z-38 in all regards that I will chance a build OOTB as Z-37 , which has a very interesting tricolor camo.
I believe that the Dragon kits should have a representation of wooden floorboards on the bridge wings ( these were not "decks" as such but fitted removable wooden pallets - visible on some USN pics of Z-39 ) - but this is a pretty easy fix given the way the kit is engineered. This is the ONLY nit I could pick on these terrific kits. I especially like the engineering and detail of the correct angular bridge - just superior.
As I said, I'm building Z-30 and later Z-37 as I'm driven by camo, but they also represent fairly distinctly configured vessels.
I wish Dragon would release some weapons / bridge equipment / boat sets ( ala FineMolds IJN sets ) to upgrade some of the 350th competitors vessels - the Trump weapons are pretty basic. Any of the Dragon kits will provide an extra set of boats.